Payment methods

Payment in advance:
The safest and fastest way to pay. Use instant transfer for easy online payment. By using your trusted e-banking data, you are on the safe side. Your order will be processed quickly thanks to transaction confirmation and you can look forward to fast delivery.

Payment by invoice:
With our partner Klarna we offer you purchase on account. Purchase your dream vehicle today and pay the invoice conveniently within 14 or 30 days. This gives you the opportunity to inspect your electric scooter more closely before paying. If you choose this payment method, Klarna will carry out an online credit check and, if the result is positive, we will deliver our electric scooters to you on account. You can find further information about purchasing on account here!

Payment in installments:
We offer you a flexible payment method for purchasing an electric scooter, e-scooter or e-chopper. Choose from 3 to 36 monthly installments, with no app download and no additional fees. You can find more information about paying in installments here!

Payment with credit card:
Pay conveniently and securely with your credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard & American Express credit cards. Payment will be made prior to delivery, with your credit card charged for the total amount owed shortly before shipment. Delivery will take place after receipt of full payment. Your credit card details are transmitted encrypted using the SSL process, and this high security standard makes purchasing from Stingray Motors using your credit card safe. No additional software is required for this. Both customers who are already registered and those who are not registered will be automatically redirected to their bank's website for payment processing. Please follow the steps provided to complete your order.